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Keeping Up with You: BrettYoung’s High Performance Forage Lineup

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Have specific needs when it comes to selecting a forage? BrettYoung is your full-service forage provider, with a solution to every problem.

Forages are the historic foundation of BrettYoung. Over the years, we’ve worked to ensure our extensive forage lineup has everything you need, and we continue to improve it and add to it every day. Whether you have soil issues, uncommon animals to feed, or you just want to change it up, we’ve got you covered.

Alfalfa #

We take pride in our high-performance products. That means we don’t cut corners when it comes to curating our lineup of premium alfalfas. BrettYoung can offer you alfalfas with branch roots suited to wet conditions, alfalfas with a sunken crown perfect for grazing, alfalfas to maximize your production with fast regrowth for multiple cuts, alfalfas to survive and thrive in saline conditions, and more.

Kent Price, Forage Seed Specialist for BrettYoung, said we have the most advanced line of alfalfas in Western Canada.

“BrettYoung does an exceptional job of assessing our alfalfa line and bringing in new genetics as they become available,” he said. “We always have new, high-end genetics to offer our growers.”

One of our most popular products is Blend 4440, a blend of our premium, certified alfalfas. Blend 4440 is always improving to ensure it’s only filled with the best. We listen to our growers’ needs and adjust Blend 4440 to keep up with your needs. 

Stock Blends #

Along with our individual offerings, we also have a diverse line of stock blends. Each has been carefully curated with thoughtful agronomics to give you the product you need and the outcome you deserve. Some of our top performers are:

  • #1 – Super Hay
  • #2 – Super Maxi-Ton
  • #11 – Super Grassland

Of our 17 blends, each is noteworthy. #12 – All Purpose Pasture is widely adapted for almost every pasture need, offering easy establishment and quality regrowth. #21 – Super Cattleman’s Premium Horse Hay is a high-protein pasture/hay mix with superb regrowth, perfect for horse hay or high protein pasture. #24 – All Purpose Saline gives you quick establishment in saline areas, helping to reclaim those saline areas overtime.

Our proven performers come with the “SUPER” label, so you know they work.

But alfalfa isn’t all we have. BrettYoung has an equally extensive forage grass portfolio including Canadian-bred products ideally suited to our conditions like AC Killarney, a winter hardy orchardgrass and AC Saltlander Wheatgrass, a star in our lineup that increases the productivity of marginal land due to saline issues.

“Every year costs become higher for producers,” said Price. “So, they need to maximize feed production and stay on top of things like diseases, insects, and other challenges. Our forage portfolio evolves with you to meet your needs.”

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